CalendarPicker, Version 0.5 (alt)
Hinweis: dies ist nicht die neueste Version!
Datei: calpick/calpick.js
/* calpick.js JavaScript DHMTL Kalenderauswahl. Erzeugt einen klickbaren Button hinter Eingabefeldern, über die mit einem Office-ähnlichen Kalender das Datum ausgewählt werden kann, dass dann dort eingetragen wird. Version 0.5 - die aktuelle Version gibt's immer unter Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ // Localization var _calDateFormat = 'DMY'; // order of date components (this is fixed! you cannot change it here!) var _calDateSeparator = '.'; // date component separator var _calDateYearDigits = 4; // number of year digits var _calDateFirstDay = 1; // first day of week (0 = sunday, 1 = monday) var _calMonthName = new Array('Januar', 'Februar', 'März', 'April', 'Mai', 'Juni', 'Juli', 'August', 'September', 'Oktober', 'November', 'Dezember'); var _calDayName = new Array('So', 'Mo', 'Di', 'Mi', 'Do', 'Fr', 'Sa'); var _calStrOpenClose = 'Klicken öffnet/schließt den Kalender'; var _calStrPrevMonth = 'Gehe einen Monat zurück'; var _calStrCurMonth = 'Gehe zum aktuellen Monat'; var _calStrNextMonth = 'Gehe einen Monat weiter'; var _calErrInvalidDate = 'Ungültiges Datum'; // Display & behaviour settings if (!window._calButtonAlign) var _calButtonAlign = 'baseline'; if (!window._calFontFace) var _calFontFace = 'Tahoma';// font to use, separate alternatives by "," if (!window._calFontSize) var _calFontSize = 11; // font size in px if (!window._calCellWidth) var _calCellWidth = 22; // cell width in px if (!window._calCellHeight) var _calCellHeight = 18; // cell height in px if (!window._calBorderAdj) var _calBorderAdj = 1; // set to 1 if border increases width/height (CSS for HTML 4.01) if (!window._calLeftDistance) var _calLeftDistance = 4; // horizontal offset from calendar picture if (!window._calTopDistance) var _calTopDistance = 4; // vertical offset from top-of-line if (!window._calHideDelay) var _calHideDelay = 1500; // delay before auto-hide (ms) if (!window._calColorWindow) var _calColorWindow = 'window'; if (!window._calColorWindowText) var _calColorWindowText = 'windowtext'; if (!window._calColorGrayText) var _calColorGrayText = 'buttonface'; if (!window._calColorWindowFrame) var _calColorWindowFrame = 'windowframe'; if (!window._calColorButtonFace) var _calColorButtonFace = 'buttonface'; if (!window._calColorButtonText) var _calColorButtonText = 'buttontext'; if (!window._calColorButtonLight) var _calColorButtonLight = 'buttonhighlight'; if (!window._calColorButtonShadow) var _calColorButtonShadow = 'buttonshadow'; if (!window._calColorSelected) var _calColorSelected = 'highlight'; if (!window._calColorSelectedText) var _calColorSelectedText = 'highlighttext'; if (!window._calColorCurrentFrame) var _calColorCurrentFrame = '#CC0000'; // Local constants & variables if (!window._calPickDir) var _calPickDir = ''; var _calCalImageSrc = 'calbutton.gif'; var _calPrevImageSrc = 'calprev.gif'; var _calNextImageSrc = 'calnext.gif'; var _calClrImageSrc = 'calclear.gif'; var _calDaysPerMonth = new Array(31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31); var _calActiveObject = null; var _calHiddenBoxes = new Array(); // Calculated styles var _calTotalWidth = 2 + 7 * _calCellWidth; var _calTotalHeight = 2 + 8 * _calCellHeight; var _calAdjCellWidth = _calCellWidth - 2 * _calBorderAdj; var _calAdjCellHeight = _calCellHeight - 2 * _calBorderAdj; var _calStyleFont = 'font-family:' + _calFontFace + ',sans-serif; ' + 'font-size:' + _calFontSize + 'px; ' + 'cursor:default; text-align:center; '; // Helper functions function _calFixYear(year) { return (year < 999) ? year + 1900 : year; } function _calMonthDays(year, month) { if (month != 2) return _calDaysPerMonth[month - 1]; if ((year % 400 != 0) && (year % 4 != 0 || year % 100 == 0)) return _calDaysPerMonth[month - 1]; return 29; } function _calDateEquals(date, year, month, day) { return (date != null) && (_calFixYear(date.getYear()) == year) && (date.getMonth() + 1 == month) && (date.getDate() == day); } function _calParseDate(text, curDate) { if (text.match(/^\s*([0-9]{1,2})\s*\.\s*([0-9]{1,2})\s*\.\s*([0-9]{2,4})\s*$/)) { var day = parseInt(RegExp.$1, 10); var mon = parseInt(RegExp.$2, 10); var year = parseInt(RegExp.$3, 10); if (year < 100) { // Get current year and century var cyear = _calFixYear(curDate.getYear()); var century = cyear - cyear % 100; // Sliding window of (-90,+9) around the current year year += century; if (year >= cyear + 10) year -= 100; } if ((1 <= mon && mon <= 12) && (1 <= day && day <= _calMonthDays(year, mon))) return new Date(year, mon - 1, day); } if (text.match(/^\s*([0-9]{1,2})\s*\.\s*([0-9]{1,2})\s*\.?\s*$/)) { var day = parseInt(RegExp.$1, 10); var mon = parseInt(RegExp.$2, 10); var year = _calFixYear(curDate.getYear()); if ((1 <= mon && mon <= 12) && (1 <= day && day <= _calMonthDays(year, mon))) return new Date(year, mon - 1, day); } if (text.match(/^\s*([0-9]{1,2})\s*\.?\s*$/)) { var day = parseInt(RegExp.$1, 10); var mon = curDate.getMonth() + 1; var year = _calFixYear(curDate.getYear()); if ((1 <= mon && mon <= 12) && (1 <= day && day <= _calMonthDays(year, mon))) return new Date(year, mon - 1, day); } if (!text.match(/^\s*$/)) alert(_calErrInvalidDate + ': "' + text + '"'); return null; } // Hovering function _calHoverN1(cell) { = _calColorButtonFace; return true; } function _calHoverN0(cell) { = _calColorWindow; return true; } function _calHoverC1(cell) { = _calColorButtonFace; return true; } function _calHoverC0(cell) { = _calColorWindow; return true; } function _calHoverS1(cell) { = _calColorButtonShadow; return true; } function _calHoverS0(cell) { = _calColorSelected; return true; } function _calHoverB1(cell) { = '1px solid ' + _calColorButtonLight; = '1px solid ' + _calColorButtonShadow; = '1px solid ' + _calColorButtonShadow; = '1px solid ' + _calColorButtonLight; return true; } function _calHoverB0(cell) { = '1px solid ' + _calColorButtonFace; return true; } // Hiding & Showing select boxes (IE only) function _calRestoreSelectLists() { while (_calHiddenBoxes.length > 0) { _calHiddenBoxes[_calHiddenBoxes.length - 1].style.visibility = 'visible'; _calHiddenBoxes.pop(); } } function _calHideSelectLists(divName) { function GetRealTop(thisObj) { return thisObj.offsetTop + ((thisObj.tagName != 'BODY' && thisObj.tagName != 'HTML') ? GetRealTop(thisObj.offsetParent) : 0); } function GetRealLeft(thisObj) { return thisObj.offsetLeft + ((thisObj.tagName != 'BODY' && thisObj.tagName != 'HTML') ? GetRealLeft(thisObj.offsetParent) : 0); } if (navigator.appName != 'Microsoft Internet Explorer') return; var calDiv = document.getElementById(divName); for (var f = 0; f < document.forms.length; f++) { var form = document.forms[f]; for (var e = 0; e < form.elements.length; e++) { var elem = form.elements[e]; // Skip those not of interest if (typeof elem.type != 'string') continue; if (elem.type.substr(0, 6) != 'select') continue; if ( == 'hidden') continue; // Check vertical position var elemTop = GetRealTop(elem); if (elemTop >= calDiv.offsetTop + _calTotalHeight) continue; if (elemTop + elem.offsetHeight <= calDiv.offsetTop) continue; // Check horizontal position var elemLeft = GetRealLeft(elem); if (elemLeft >= calDiv.offsetLeft + _calTotalWidth) continue; if (elemLeft + elem.offsetWidth <= calDiv.offsetLeft) continue; // Ok, hide it but remember it _calHiddenBoxes.push(elem); = 'hidden'; } } } // Member functions of the CalenderObject // Returns the inner html to display the current month function _calGetInnerHtml() { var startYear = this.displayYear; var startMonth = this.displayMonth; var startDay = 1; var numDays = _calMonthDays(startYear, startMonth); var event = 'self.' + + '.selectDay'; var startDate = new Date(startYear, startMonth - 1, 1); while (startDate.getDay() != _calDateFirstDay) { if (startDay == 1) { if (startMonth == 1) { startYear -= 1; startMonth = 12; } else startMonth -= 1; numDays = _calMonthDays(startYear, startMonth); startDay = numDays; } else startDay -= 1; startDate = new Date(startYear, startMonth - 1, startDay); } var eol = String.fromCharCode(13); var html = '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">' + eol; html += '<tr style="background-color:' + _calColorButtonShadow + '">' + eol; for (var k = 0; k < 7; k++) html += '<td><img src="' + _calPickDir + _calClrImageSrc + '" width="' + _calCellWidth + '" height="1" alt=""></td>'; html += '</tr>' + eol; do { html += '<tr>' + eol; for (var dom = 0; dom < 7; dom++) { if (startMonth != this.displayMonth) html += '<td style="' + _calStyleFont + 'color:' + _calColorGrayText + '; width:' + _calCellWidth + 'px; height:' + _calCellHeight + 'px;">' + startDay + '</td>' + eol; else { if (_calDateEquals(this.selDate, startYear, startMonth, startDay)) { var thisStyle = 'width:' + _calCellWidth + 'px; ' + 'height:' + _calCellHeight + 'px; ' + 'background-color:' + _calColorSelected + '; ' + 'color:' + _calColorSelectedText + '; font-weight:bold; '; var thisCode = 'S'; } else if (_calDateEquals(this.curDate, startYear, startMonth, startDay)) { var thisStyle = 'width:' + _calAdjCellWidth + 'px; ' + 'height:' + _calAdjCellHeight + 'px; ' + 'font-weight:bold; border:1px solid ' + _calColorCurrentFrame + '; '; var thisCode = 'C'; } else { var thisStyle = 'width:' + _calCellWidth + 'px; ' + 'height:' + _calCellHeight + 'px; '; var thisCode = 'N'; } html += '<td style="' + _calStyleFont + thisStyle + '"'; html += ' onmouseover="return _calHover' + thisCode + '1(this)"'; html += ' onmouseout="return _calHover' + thisCode + '0(this)"'; html += ' onclick="' + event + '(' + startDay + ')"'; html += '">' + startDay + '</td>' + eol; } if (startDay < numDays) startDay += 1; else { if (startMonth < 12) startMonth += 1; else { startMonth = 1; startYear += 1; } startDay = 1; numDays = _calMonthDays(startYear, startMonth); } } html += '</tr>' + eol; } while (startMonth == this.displayMonth); return html + '</table>'; } // Called when a day is clicked: the date is stored and the calendar closed function _calSelectDay(day) { var dayPad = (day < 10) ? '0' : ''; var monPad = (this.displayMonth < 10) ? '0' : ''; var text = dayPad + day + '.' + monPad + this.displayMonth + '.' + this.displayYear; this.attachedControl.value = text; this.showCalendar(false); if (document.createEvent) { var e = document.createEvent("Events"); e.initEvent('change', true, true); this.attachedControl.dispatchEvent(e); } else if (document.createEventObject) { var e = document.createEventObject(); this.attachedControl.fireEvent('onchange', e); } else if (this.attachedControl.onchange) this.attachedControl.onchange(); } // Refresh/clear the timer for automatic hiding function _calHandleTimer(cancel) { var timerName = this.objPrefix + '_Timer'; clearTimeout(self[timerName]); self[timerName] = null; if (!cancel) self[timerName] = setTimeout('self.' + + '.showCalendar(false)', _calHideDelay); } // Fix the dynamic html portions to display the current month function _calShowCurrent() { document.getElementById(this.objPrefix + '_Title').innerHTML = _calMonthName[this.displayMonth - 1] + ' ' + this.displayYear; document.getElementById(this.objPrefix + '_Days').innerHTML = this.getInnerHtml(); } // Read the date from the attached input field function _calSyncDate() { this.curDate = new Date(); this.selDate = _calParseDate(this.attachedControl.value, this.curDate); var which = (this.selDate == null) ? this.curDate : this.selDate; this.displayMonth = which.getMonth() + 1; this.displayYear = _calFixYear(which.getYear()); } // Shows or hides the calendar, showing=-1 toggles visibility function _calShowCalendar(showing) { var cal = document.getElementById(this.objPrefix + '_Cal'); var vis = !( != 'visible'); if (showing == -1) showing = !vis; if (showing) { if (_calActiveObject != null && _calActiveObject != this) _calActiveObject.showCalendar(false); if (_calActiveObject == null) { _calActiveObject = this; _calHideSelectLists(this.objPrefix + '_Cal'); } = 100; = 'visible'; this.syncDate(); this.showCurrent(); } else { = 'hidden'; = 99; if (_calActiveObject == this) { _calRestoreSelectLists(); _calActiveObject = null; } } this.handleTimer(!showing); } // Returns the outer html for the calendar box function _calGetOuterHtml() { var eol = String.fromCharCode(13); var prefix = this.objPrefix; var name = 'self.' +; var html = ''; html += '<span id="' + prefix + '_Cal" style="background-color:' + _calColorWindow + '; color:' + _calColorWindowText + '; border:1px solid ' + _calColorWindowFrame + '; margin-left:' + _calLeftDistance + 'px; margin-top:' + _calTopDistance + 'px; position:absolute; ' + 'visibility:hidden;"' + eol; html += ' onmouseover="' + name + '.handleTimer(true)"'; html += ' onmouseout="' + name + '.handleTimer(false)"'; html += '><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">' + eol; html += '<tr style="background-color:' + _calColorButtonFace + '; color:' + _calColorButtonText + '; ">' + eol; html += '<td style="' + _calStyleFont + 'border:1px solid ' + _calColorButtonFace + '; height:' + _calAdjCellHeight + 'px; "' + eol; html += ' onmouseover="return _calHoverB1(this)"' + eol; html += ' onmouseout="return _calHoverB0(this)"' + eol; html += ' onclick="' + name + '.prevMonth()"' + eol; // html += ' onDblClick="' + name + '.prevMonth()"' + eol; html += ' title="' + _calStrPrevMonth + '"><img src="' + _calPickDir + _calPrevImageSrc + '"' + eol; html += ' border="0" alt="" title="' + _calStrPrevMonth + '"></td>' + eol; html += '<td id="' + prefix + '_Title" style="' + _calStyleFont + 'border:1px solid ' + _calColorButtonFace + '; height:' + _calAdjCellHeight + 'px; "' + eol; html += ' onmouseover="return _calHoverB1(this)"' + eol; html += ' onmouseout="return _calHoverB0(this)"' + eol; html += ' onclick="' + name + '.curMonth()"' + eol; html += ' title="' + _calStrCurMonth + '" colspan="5">?</td>' + eol; html += '<td style="' + _calStyleFont + 'border:1px solid ' + _calColorButtonFace + '; height:' + _calAdjCellHeight + 'px; "' + eol; html += ' onmouseover="return _calHoverB1(this)"' + eol; html += ' onmouseout="return _calHoverB0(this)"' + eol; html += ' onclick="' + name + '.nextMonth()"' + eol; // html += ' onDblClick="' + name + '.nextMonth()"' + eol; html += ' title="' + _calStrNextMonth + '"><img src="' + _calPickDir + _calNextImageSrc + '"' + eol; html += ' border="0" alt="" title="' + _calStrPrevMonth + '"></td>' + eol; html += '</tr>' + eol; html += '<tr style="background-color:' + _calColorWindow + '">' + eol; for (var k = 0; k < 7; k++) html += '<td><img src="' + _calPickDir + _calClrImageSrc + '" width="' + _calCellWidth + '" height="1" alt=""></td>'; html += '</tr>' + eol; html += '<tr>' + eol; for (var k = 0; k < 7; k++) html += '<td style="' + _calStyleFont + 'width:' + _calCellWidth + 'px; height:' + _calAdjCellHeight + 'px; "><b>' + _calDayName[(k + _calDateFirstDay) % 7] + '</b></td>' + eol; html += '</tr>' + eol; html += '<tr style="background-color:' + _calColorWindow + '">' + eol; for (var k = 0; k < 7; k++) html += '<td><img src="' + _calPickDir + _calClrImageSrc + '" width="' + _calCellWidth + '" height="1" alt=""></td>'; html += '</tr>' + eol; html += '</table>'; html += '<span id="' + prefix + '_Days">?</span>'; html += '</span>'; return html; } // Show the specified month function _calShowMonth(month, year) { if (year == 0) year = this.displayYear; if (year == 1) year = _calFixYear(this.curDate.getYear()); while (month < 1) { year -= 1; month += 12; } while (month > 12) { year += 1; month -= 12; } if (year < 1000) year = 1000; if (year > 2999) year = 2999; if (this.displayYear != year || this.displayMonth != month) { this.displayYear = year; this.displayMonth = month; this.showCurrent(); } this.handleTimer(false); } // Create a new calender object function CalenderObject(control) { // Properties this.attachedControl = control; this.objPrefix = 'cal_' + (control.form ? : 'X') + '_' +; = this.objPrefix + '_Obj'; // Methods this.syncDate = _calSyncDate; this.getInnerHtml = _calGetInnerHtml; this.getOuterHtml = _calGetOuterHtml; this.showCurrent = _calShowCurrent; this.selectDay = _calSelectDay; this.showCalendar = _calShowCalendar; this.handleTimer = _calHandleTimer; this.showMonth = _calShowMonth; // Short methods this.toggleCalendar = function() { this.showCalendar(-1); } this.prevMonth = function() { this.showMonth(this.displayMonth - 1, 0); } this.nextMonth = function() { this.showMonth(this.displayMonth + 1, 0); } this.curMonth = function() { this.showMonth(this.curDate.getMonth() + 1, 1); } // Initialization this.syncDate(); } // Create the image code for the calender and attach it to the control function AttachCalendarButton(obj) { if (obj == null || obj == 'undefined') return; // Create new calender object var calObj = new CalenderObject(obj); self[] = calObj; // Write button plus initially hidden table code document.write('<a href="javascript:self.' + + '.toggleCalendar()">'); document.write('<img src="' + _calPickDir + _calCalImageSrc + '" align="' + _calButtonAlign + '" border="0" alt="' + _calStrOpenClose + '">'); document.write('</a>'); document.writeln(calObj.getOuterHtml()); } |