GenCodeHook, Version 1.5 (alt)

Hinweis: dies ist nicht die neueste Version!

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Datei: CHANGES.txt

2006-01-01: Version 1.5
- Some small changes to avoid warnings under Delphi 2006.

2005-10-23: Version 1.4
- Almost complete rewrite of CodeLen.pas with the new functions
  "AnalyzeCpuInstructionSequence", "LengthOfCpuInstructionSequence", and
- Modified "CreateGenericCodeHook" to use two different branch types
  instead of a pc-relative displacement.
- Removed the flag "Is16Bit" - did never work for 16-bit code.
- Still no support for Windows 95/98/Me system area ($80000000-$FFFFFFFF).

Version 1.3 (non-public)
- Removed from WebSite because of several problems regarding relocation of
  relative displacements, and with Windows 9x/Me and global hooks.
- Added "AnalyzeCpuInstruction" for a thorough analysis of the instruction,
  including referenced code and data memory.

2005-09-16: Version 1.2
- First public version (added sample application).
- Enhanced "PatchMemory" by first overwriting the first byte with $CC.
- Added some AMD specific instructions and 3DNow to "CodeLen.pas".

2005-09-15: Version 1.1
- Added module "CodeMem.pas" for extensible code memory allocation.
- Wrote optimized code memory manager "CodeMemOpt.pas".
- Enhanced "PatchMemory" by "FlushInstructionCache".
- Added function "IsJumpInstruction" to "CodeLen.pas".

2005-09-15: Version 1.0
- Initial version, derived from the "PrintToFile" project.
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