RtfLabel, Version 1.3a (alt)

Hinweis: dies ist nicht die neueste Version!

Download: rtflabel_1.3a.zip (72.796 Bytes, vom 19.10.2006 17:17:15)


Name   Original   Gepackt   Datum / Uhrzeit
README.txt   8.694   3.943   19.10.2006 15:51:42
README.de.txt   9.952   4.535   19.10.2006 15:51:44
RtfLabel.pas   17.902   4.833   24.08.2006 09:33:38
RtfLabel.dcr   5.872   1.581   31.03.2006 12:46:58
DrawRichText.pas   7.391   2.648   19.10.2006 15:48:04
RtfLabel_Caption_Editor.pas   6.090   2.239   18.08.2006 22:09:08
RtfLabel_Caption_Editor.dfm   1.614   609   18.08.2006 21:34:24
DelphiVersion.inc   1.917   607   06.03.2006 15:32:02
DelphiTextServ.pas   17.259   4.345   18.08.2006 10:13:22
RichEditDll.pas   5.982   2.109   17.08.2006 17:43:42
Rich3Conf.inc   1.658   963   17.08.2006 22:11:50
ThiscallWrapper.pas   12.038   3.543   14.04.2006 11:25:28
TextServ.pas   18.546   5.602   14.04.2006 11:20:34
RichTom.pas   49.744   7.620   20.03.2006 09:15:06
RichOle.pas   9.615   3.121   19.04.2006 11:57:02
RichEdit2.pas   29.423   8.097   31.03.2006 15:23:36
CHANGES.txt   1.836   976   19.10.2006 15:51:42
Sample/   <dir>   <dir>   19.08.2006 00:13:28
Sample/RtfLabelExample.dpr   1.592   873   18.08.2006 23:35:14
Sample/rlsamp.dfm   4.058   1.042   02.09.2006 20:09:24
Sample/rlsamp.pas   8.350   2.786   19.08.2006 01:54:28
Sample/DrawRtfTextExample.dpr   281   163   18.08.2006 23:35:24
Sample/drtsamp.dfm   6.017   1.259   19.10.2006 15:46:28
Sample/drtsamp.pas   6.264   2.033   19.10.2006 15:48:28
Sample/Example1.rtf   6.212   1.705   18.08.2006 16:52:36
Sample/Example2.rtf   1.013   506   18.08.2006 15:00:20
Sample/Example3.rtf   1.041   351   19.08.2006 01:06:10
Sample/Example4.rtf   2.135   451   19.08.2006 00:48:06
Sample/Example5.rtf   909   427   19.08.2006 00:47:34



VCL component using the windowless ITextServices interface of the windows
richedit control version 3.0+ to implement a label that displays rich text.

Supported features include:
  * full RTF formatting like WordPad,
  * embedded pictures and OLE objects,
  * transparent background,
  * zooming from 2% to 6400%, and
  * automatic sizing to fit the content.

Version 1.3a - always find the most current version at

Copyright (C) 2006 Volker Siebert <flocke@vssd.de>
All rights reserved.

License: M.I.T. (see source resp. the included file "README.txt")


2006-10-19: Version 1.3a

  • Changed the parameter type of `DrawRichText´ from `TTextFormat´ to `TRtfTextFormat´, because `TTextFormat´ is not known to Delphi versions prior to 2005. NOTE: The members' names have changed from `tf...´ to `rtf...´, so you will get errors when compiling old sources.

2006-08-17: Version 1.3

  • Added a property editor for the `Caption´ property.
  • Fixed a serious bug. RICHED20.DLL crashed on TxDraw with embedded pictures or objects.
  • Changed component palette name to 'Flocke'.

2006-08-12: Version 1.2 (internal)

  • Added unit `DrawRichText.pas´, in case you don't need a label but just want to paint RTF onto some canvas. Also added a sample application for that procedure.
  • New property `Zoom´ (guess what it does).
  • New event `OnResize´ (guess when it's called).
  • Internal: public property `RichEditVersion´.
  • Internal: protected property `TextServices´.
  • Internal: Turned off AutoURLDetect.
  • Improved checks and painting.
  • Corrected fix from 1.1a.

2006-05-31: Version 1.1a

  • Added missing call to TxSendMessage with EM_SETTYPOGRAPHYOPTIONS / TO_ADVANCEDTYPOGRAPHY (thanks to K. Kratzenstein).

2006-04-14: Version 1.1

  • `Padding´ did not work without `WordWrap´, especially with right-aligned paragraphs which caused an infinite loop. I falsely assumed the requested size does not include the view inset - it does, but only for the horizontal part.
  • Changed inheritance from `TInterfacedObject´ to `TObject´ in `DelphiTextServ.pas´, resolving the cross-referencing between the interfaces manually.
  • Changed two prototypes in `TextServ.pas´ to better match their API counterparts.

2006-04-01: Version 1.0a

  • Added the `Document´ interface property to TRtfLabel.

2006-03-31: Version 1.0

  • First public release.
Flocke's Garage
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(C) 2005-2018 Volker Siebert.
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