SizeGrip, Version 1.2a (alt)

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Name   Original   Gepackt   Datum / Uhrzeit
README.txt   3.587   1.681   01.01.2006 16:28:44   3.783   1.810   01.01.2006 16:28:44
SizeGrip.pas   9.891   3.078   01.01.2006 16:28:44
SizeGrip.dcr   3.412   291   24.09.2005 13:32:54
SizeGripThemed.pas   5.174   2.035   01.01.2006 16:28:44
SizeGripThemed.dcr   1.732   309   24.09.2005 13:32:54
SizeGripHWND.pas   5.211   1.978   01.01.2006 16:28:44
CHANGES.txt   1.488   756   01.01.2006 16:28:44
Sample/   <dir>   <dir>   01.01.2006 16:30:12
Sample/SizeGripTest.dpr   612   330   01.01.2006 16:28:44
Sample/main.pas   2.400   817   01.01.2006 16:30:06
Sample/main.dfm   1.560   514   01.01.2006 16:28:52


SizeGrip.pas, SizeGripThemed.pas

  Delphi components to add a size grip (like if you use a status bar) to the
  lower right corner of any TWinControl (like TForm). "SizeGripThemed.pas"
  is the themed version using the currently selected visual style. See the
  included README.txt for more information and how to use it.


  Delphi unit for nonVCL application to get a similar effect using only API

Version 1.2a - Always find the most current version at

Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Volker Siebert <>
All rights reserved.

License: M.I.T. (see source resp. the included file "README.txt")


2006-01-01: Version 1.2a

  • Verified to work with Delphi 2006 - no changes.

2005-11-19: Version 1.2

  • Modified the sample to also support SizeGripHWND (by conditional define).
  • Added new module SizeGripHWND.pas for nonVCL applications.
  • Internal: Changed capturing WM_PAINT to just reacting to the `pure“ version with WPARAM=0. Makes live much easier BUT does not paint grip into bitmaps.

2005-09-24: Version 1.1

  • Merged TSizeGrip and TSizeGripXP to one component
  • Replaced "ClassicStyle" by new property "Style" to be more flexible with future extensions
  • Added new property "Enabled"
  • Added new property "Themed" for TSizeGripThemed
  • Changed initialization of "TargetControl" with owner
  • Internal: Changed from capturing WM_ERASEBKGND to WM_PAINT, because it did not work for TPanel (although it worked for TCustomForm).
  • Internal: added "AttachControl" and "DetachControl", made "NewWndProc" virtual and slightly modified "TSizeGripThemed.GetGripRect"

2005-09-22: Version 1.0b

  • Added property "ClassicStyle" for TSizeGripXP
  • TSizeGripThemed is now a descendant of TSizeGripXP
  • Replaced constant "SP_GRIPPER" by 3 - should now work with Mike Lischke's UxTheme.pas (

2005-09-22: Version 1.0a

  • Added checks for TargetControl.HandleAllocated
  • Changed order of "inherited" in TSizeGripThemed
  • Rearranged for the new function CheckTheme

2005-09-22: Version 1.0

  • Initial version
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