TB2Merge, Version 1.1 (alt)

Hinweis: dies ist nicht die neueste Version!

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Datei: CHANGES.txt

2005-11-16: Version 1.1
- Changed version numbering, it's not a beta.
- Verified to work with Toolbar2000 2.1.6.
- Translated sample to english.

2005-08-09: Version 0.5 (1.0)
- Complete re-packaging, created the files README, CHANGES, and INFO
  with (small) documentation in english an german.
- Changed the license model to M.I.T.

2005-07-15: Version 0.4
- Some further code cleanup.
- Updated information for fsMDIChild windows on how to use the merger.
- Added the option "moSeparatorAfterItems".

2005-06-30: Version 0.3
- Changed the way how "hiding" works, hidden items are no longer moved to
  the source side but are simply kept in our list without parent. This way
  we can restore them even if the source is destroyed unexpectedly.

2005-06-27: Version 0.2
- Added "TBFixImageList" to merge toolbars with different image lists.
- Changed the way how separator items are grouped, see "FindEndOfGroup".

2005-06-25: Version 0.1
- Initial version.
Flocke's Garage
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(C) 2005-2018 Volker Siebert.
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