Archive on the fly, Version 1.2c

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Datei: CHANGES.txt

2006-04-24: Version 1.2c
- Corrected a small bug in vs.arc.php.
- Reformatted all files.

2006-04-20: Version 1.2b
- Fixed some typos.

2005-08-15: Version 1.2a
- Small re-packaging, renamed INFO to README, removed INFO.

2005-08-09: Version 1.2
- Complete re-packaging, created the files README, CHANGES, and INFO.
- Changed the license model to M.I.T.
- Wrote a (small) documentation.
- Put online at Flocke's Garage.

2005-03-07: Version 1.1
- Added support for ZIP files (create and extract).

2005-02-17: Version 1.0
- Initial version.
Flocke's Garage
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(C) 2005-2018 Volker Siebert.
Creative Commons-LizenzvertragDer gesamte Inhalt dieser Webseite steht unter einer Creative Commons-Lizenz (sofern nicht anders angegeben).