Pascal Diff, Version 0.4 (alt)
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Datei: Diff.pas
{ Diff.pas Object pascal class to compare two string arrays (resp. text files) in the way of the classical unix standard ``diff´´ program. See the included file INFO.txt for information on how to use it. Always find the most current version at Copyright (C) 2005 Volker Siebert, Germany All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. } unit Diff; interface uses SysUtils, Classes; type { TDiffHashValue is the result value of the hash function (unsigned!) } TDiffHashValue = Cardinal; { This record holds a range of lines. "Start" is the zero based starting line number and "Stop" the zero based number of the first line *BEHIND* the range. So, if Start and Stop are equal, you know the position but the range is empty. } TRangeOfLines = record Start: integer; Stop: integer; end; { A TDifference is a found difference between the first (left) and the second (right) string array. } PDifference = ^TDifference; TDifference = record Left: TRangeOfLines; Right: TRangeOfLines; end; PDifferenceArray = ^TDifferenceArray; TDifferenceArray = array [0 .. MaxInt div 32] of TDifference; { Exception class used by this module. } ETextComparerError = class(Exception); TTextComparerHash = function(const s: string): TDiffHashValue of object; register; TTextComparerCompare = function(const s1, s2: string): boolean of object; register; { Text comparer base class. } TCustomTextComparer = class private FDiffs: PDifferenceArray; FCount: integer; FAlloc: integer; FHeuristic: integer; FOnHash: TTextComparerHash; FOnCompare: TTextComparerCompare; function GetDiff(Index: integer): TDifference; procedure SetSize(NewCount: integer); protected function DefaultHash(const s: string): TDiffHashValue; register; function DefaultCompare(const s1, s2: string): boolean; register; property OnHash: TTextComparerHash read FOnHash write FOnHash; property OnCompare: TTextComparerCompare read FOnCompare write FOnCompare; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Clear; procedure Compare(List1, List2: TStrings); property Count: integer read FCount; property Diff[Index: integer]: TDifference read GetDiff; default; property Heuristic: integer read FHeuristic write FHeuristic; end; { Text comparer public class with access to the user defined hash and compare methods. } TTextComparer = class(TCustomTextComparer) public property OnHash; property OnCompare; end; { A standard text comparer that can ignore case and whitespace. Note that OnHash and OnCompare are still protected, because "Compare" will override them anyway. } TStandardTextComparer = class(TCustomTextComparer) private FIgnoreCase: boolean; FIgnoreSpaces: boolean; FSpacesAsOne: boolean; protected function Hash_ynn(const s: string): TDiffHashValue; register; function Hash_nyn(const s: string): TDiffHashValue; register; function Hash_yyn(const s: string): TDiffHashValue; register; function Hash_nny(const s: string): TDiffHashValue; register; function Hash_yny(const s: string): TDiffHashValue; register; function Compare_ynn(const s1, s2: string): boolean; register; function Compare_nyn(const s1, s2: string): boolean; register; function Compare_yyn(const s1, s2: string): boolean; register; function Compare_nny(const s1, s2: string): boolean; register; function Compare_yny(const s1, s2: string): boolean; register; public procedure Compare(List1, List2: TStrings); property IgnoreCase: boolean read FIgnoreCase write FIgnoreCase; property IgnoreSpaces: boolean read FIgnoreSpaces write FIgnoreSpaces; property SpacesAsOne: boolean read FSpacesAsOne write FSpacesAsOne; end; implementation constructor TCustomTextComparer.Create; begin inherited; FDiffs := nil; FCount := 0; FAlloc := 0; FHeuristic := 0; end; destructor TCustomTextComparer.Destroy; begin Clear; inherited; end; { Internal routine that sets the size of the difference array. } procedure TCustomTextComparer.SetSize(NewCount: integer); begin FAlloc := NewCount; ReAllocMem(FDiffs, FAlloc * SizeOf(TDifference)); if FCount > FAlloc then FCount := FAlloc; end; procedure TCustomTextComparer.Clear; begin SetSize(0); end; function TCustomTextComparer.GetDiff(Index: integer): TDifference; begin if (Index < 0) or (Index >= FCount) then raise ETextComparerError.Create('Invalid item index'); Result := FDiffs^[Index]; end; { The default hash just calculates a simple base 19 checksum over the ascii codes of the character string. } function TCustomTextComparer.DefaultHash(const s: string): TDiffHashValue; var k, len: integer; begin len := Length(s); Result := len; for k := 1 to len do Result := 19 * Result + Ord(s[k]); end; { The default compare function just compares the two strings literally. } function TCustomTextComparer.DefaultCompare(const s1, s2: string): boolean; begin Result := s1 = s2; end; {----------------------------------------------------------------------} { This is the big Mojo that does everything. The algorithm is: 1. Inside a given range of lines from the left and the right file, find the largest block of equal lines. 2. If none is found, mark the range as being different. 3. If one is found, recursively check the two ranges before and after that block for differences. } procedure TCustomTextComparer.Compare(List1, List2: TStrings); type TFileInfo = record Strings: TStrings; Count: integer; LineHash: array of TDiffHashValue; // [0 .. Count - 1] HashLine: array of integer; // [0 .. 2 * Count - 1] HashColl: array of integer; // [0 .. 2 * Count - 1] end; var HashFunc: TTextComparerHash; CompareFunc: TTextComparerCompare; Info1, Info2: TFileInfo; procedure InitFileInfo(var Info: TFileInfo; AStrings: TStrings); var idx, back, coll: Integer; begin with Info do begin Strings := AStrings; Count := Strings.Count; SetLength(LineHash, Count); SetLength(HashLine, 2 * Count); SetLength(HashColl, 2 * Count); if Count < 1 then exit; // The upper half of HashLine/HashColl does not need to be initialized. for idx := 0 to Count - 1 do begin LineHash[idx] := HashFunc(Strings[idx]); HashLine[idx] := -1; HashColl[idx] := -1; end; coll := Count - 1; for idx := 0 to Count - 1 do begin back := integer(Cardinal(LineHash[idx]) mod Cardinal(Count)); if HashLine[back] < 0 then HashLine[back] := idx else begin inc(coll); HashLine[coll] := HashLine[back]; HashColl[coll] := HashColl[back]; HashLine[back] := idx; HashColl[back] := coll; end; end; end; end; procedure AddDiff(l1a, l1e, l2a, l2e: integer); begin if (l1a >= l1e) and (l2a >= l2e) then exit; if FCount >= FAlloc then SetSize(FAlloc + 32); with FDiffs^[FCount] do begin Left.Start := l1a; Left.Stop := l1e; Right.Start := l2a; Right.Stop := l2e; end; inc(FCount); end; function DistanceLess(l1a, l1e, l2a, l2e: integer; bp1, bp2, np1, np2: integer): boolean; var t1, b1, t2, b2: integer; begin t1 := abs((bp1 - l1a) - (bp2 - l2a)); b1 := abs((l1e - bp1) - (l2e - bp2)); t2 := abs((np1 - l2a) - (np2 - l2a)); b2 := abs((l2e - np1) - (l2e - np2)); Result := (t2 + b2) < (t1 + b1); end; function CountEqualLines(l1p, l1e, l2p, l2e, bsz: integer): integer; var max: integer; begin // Prescan: compare the hashcodes (Index 1 has already been compared) max := 1; while (l1p + max < l1e) and (l2p + max < l2e) and (Info1.LineHash[l1p + max] = Info2.LineHash[l2p + max]) do inc(max); // Better match possible? Result := 0; if max < bsz then exit; // Final scan: really compare the strings while (Result < max) and CompareFunc(Info1.Strings[l1p], Info2.Strings[l2p]) do begin inc(l1p); inc(l2p); inc(Result); end; end; procedure DiffRange(l1a, l1e, l2a, l2e: integer); var bp1, bp2, bsz, scan, idx, pos, cnt: integer; begin while true do begin if (l1a >= l1e) or (l2a >= l2e) then break; bp1 := -1; bp2 := -1; bsz := 0; if l1e - l1a < l2e - l2a then begin // Block 1 is smaller scan := l1a; while scan < l1e - bsz do begin idx := integer(Cardinal(Info1.LineHash[scan]) mod Cardinal(Info2.Count)); repeat pos := Info2.HashLine[idx]; // Trick: the lines have been added from 0 up to Count-1. So, for // colliding hashes, the lines are stored in REVERSE order. Thus, // when we find a line BEFORE l2a, we're done with this block. // This also catches the -1 at the end of the queue. if pos < l2a then break; if pos + bsz <= l2e then if Info1.LineHash[scan] = Info2.LineHash[pos] then if (bsz = 0) or (Info1.LineHash[scan + bsz - 1] = Info2.LineHash[pos + bsz - 1]) then begin cnt := CountEqualLines(scan, l1e, pos, l2e, bsz); if (cnt > bsz) or ((cnt = bsz) and DistanceLess(l1a, l1e, l2a, l2e, bp1, bp2, scan, pos)) then begin bsz := cnt; bp1 := scan; bp2 := pos; if (FHeuristic > 0) and (bsz >= FHeuristic) then break; end; end; idx := Info2.HashColl[idx]; until idx < 0; if (FHeuristic > 0) and (bsz >= FHeuristic) then break; inc(scan); end; end else begin // Block 2 is smaller scan := l2a; while scan < l2e - bsz do begin idx := integer(Cardinal(Info2.LineHash[scan]) mod Cardinal(Info1.Count)); repeat pos := Info1.HashLine[idx]; // Trick: the lines have been added from 0 up to Count-1. So, for // colliding hashes, the lines are stored in REVERSE order. Thus, // when we find a line BEFORE l1a, we're done with this block. // This also catches the -1 at the end of the queue. if pos < l1a then break; if pos + bsz <= l1e then if Info1.LineHash[pos] = Info2.LineHash[scan] then if (bsz = 0) or (Info1.LineHash[pos + bsz - 1] = Info2.LineHash[scan + bsz - 1]) then begin cnt := CountEqualLines(pos, l1e, scan, l2e, bsz); if (cnt > bsz) or ((cnt = bsz) and DistanceLess(l1a, l1e, l2a, l2e, bp1, bp2, pos, scan)) then begin bsz := cnt; bp1 := pos; bp2 := scan; if (FHeuristic > 0) and (bsz >= FHeuristic) then break; end; end; idx := Info1.HashColl[idx]; until idx < 0; if (FHeuristic > 0) and (bsz >= FHeuristic) then break; inc(scan); end; end; if bsz = 0 then break; // This way the diffs are always sorted correctly DiffRange(l1a, bp1, l2a, bp2); l1a := bp1 + bsz; l2a := bp2 + bsz; // This way the recursion would be optimized, but we had to // sort the diffs after all passes { if (bp1 - l1a) + (bp2 - l2a) < (l1e - bp1 - bsz) + (l2e - bp2 - bsz) then begin DiffRange(l1a, bp1, l2a, bp2); l1a := bp1 + bsz; l2a := bp2 + bsz; end else begin DiffRange(bp1 + bsz, l1e, bp2 + bsz, l2e); l1e := bp1; l2e := bp2; end; } end; AddDiff(l1a, l1e, l2a, l2e); end; begin Clear; if Assigned(FOnHash) and Assigned(FOnCompare) then begin HashFunc := FOnHash; CompareFunc := FOnCompare; end else begin HashFunc := DefaultHash; CompareFunc := DefaultCompare; end; // Delphi does Initialize/Finalize, no need to protect with try-finally InitFileInfo(Info1, List1); InitFileInfo(Info2, List2); DiffRange(0, Info1.Count, 0, Info2.Count); end; {----------------------------------------------------------------------} const WhiteSpace = [#0, #9, #10, #13, #32]; { Remove all whitespace characters from the given string. } function RemoveSpaces(const s: string): string; var len, p: integer; pc: PChar; begin len := Length(s); SetLength(Result, len); pc := @s[1]; p := 0; while len > 0 do begin if not (pc^ in WhiteSpace) then begin inc(p); Result[p] := pc^; end; inc(pc); dec(len); end; SetLength(Result, p); end; { Remove all leading and trailing whitespace from the given string and also reduce all sequences of whitespace characters in the middle to a single space character. } function ReduceSpaces(const s: string): string; var len, p, sp: integer; pc: PChar; begin len := Length(s); SetLength(Result, len); pc := @s[1]; p := 0; sp := 0; while len > 0 do begin if pc^ in WhiteSpace then inc(sp, p) else begin if sp > 0 then begin sp := 0; inc(p); Result[p] := ' '; end; inc(p); Result[p] := pc^; end; inc(pc); dec(len); end; SetLength(Result, p); end; {----------------------------------------------------------------------} { Five different hash and compare functions for all possible combinations of IgnoreCase, IgnoreSpaces, and SpacesAsOne. Naming: Hash_abc a = IgnoreCase (y/n) Compare_abc b = IgnoreSpaces (y/n) c = SpacesAsOne (y/n) } function TStandardTextComparer.Hash_ynn(const s: string): TDiffHashValue; begin Result := DefaultHash(Lowercase(s)); end; function TStandardTextComparer.Hash_nyn(const s: string): TDiffHashValue; begin Result := DefaultHash(RemoveSpaces(s)); end; function TStandardTextComparer.Hash_yyn(const s: string): TDiffHashValue; begin Result := DefaultHash(Lowercase(RemoveSpaces(s))); end; function TStandardTextComparer.Hash_nny(const s: string): TDiffHashValue; begin Result := DefaultHash(ReduceSpaces(s)); end; function TStandardTextComparer.Hash_yny(const s: string): TDiffHashValue; begin Result := DefaultHash(Lowercase(ReduceSpaces(s))); end; function TStandardTextComparer.Compare_ynn(const s1, s2: string): boolean; begin Result := Lowercase(s1) = Lowercase(s2); end; function TStandardTextComparer.Compare_nyn(const s1, s2: string): boolean; begin Result := RemoveSpaces(s1) = RemoveSpaces(s2); end; function TStandardTextComparer.Compare_yyn(const s1, s2: string): boolean; begin Result := Lowercase(RemoveSpaces(s1)) = Lowercase(RemoveSpaces(s2)); end; function TStandardTextComparer.Compare_nny(const s1, s2: string): boolean; begin Result := ReduceSpaces(s1) = ReduceSpaces(s2); end; function TStandardTextComparer.Compare_yny(const s1, s2: string): boolean; begin Result := Lowercase(ReduceSpaces(s1)) = Lowercase(ReduceSpaces(s2)); end; { The new compare function just sets OnHash and OnCompare according to the settings of IgnoreCase, IgnoreSpaces and SpacesAsOne and calls the old compare function to do the work. } procedure TStandardTextComparer.Compare(List1, List2: TStrings); var HashFunc: TTextComparerHash; CompareFunc: TTextComparerCompare; begin HashFunc := FOnHash; CompareFunc := FOnCompare; try case 4 * Ord(FIgnoreCase) + 2 * Ord(FIgnoreSpaces) + Ord(FSpacesAsOne) of 0 + 0 + 0: begin // Use the default hash/compare functions FOnHash := nil; FOnCompare := nil; end; 0 + 0 + 1: begin FOnHash := Hash_nny; FOnCompare := Compare_nny; end; 0 + 2 + 0, 0 + 2 + 1: begin FOnHash := Hash_nyn; FOnCompare := Compare_nyn; end; 4 + 0 + 0: begin FOnHash := Hash_ynn; FOnCompare := Compare_ynn; end; 4 + 0 + 1: begin FOnHash := Hash_yny; FOnCompare := Compare_yny; end; 4 + 2 + 0, 4 + 2 + 1: begin FOnHash := Hash_yyn; FOnCompare := Compare_yyn; end; end; inherited Compare(List1, List2); finally FOnHash := HashFunc; FOnCompare := CompareFunc; end; end; end. |