PrintToFile, Version 1.3c (alt)

Hinweis: dies ist nicht die neueste Version!

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Datei: CHANGES.txt

2006-08-08: Version 1.3c
- Small fix in "CodeLen.pas" (Delphi 5 only).

2006-06-06: Version 1.3b
- During the update to version 1.2 I forgot to add the two new units to
  the zip-File.

2006-04-15: Version 1.3a
- Removed "Variants.pas" from the uses list to be compatible with Delphi 5.

2006-01-01: Version 1.3
- Updated "GenCodeHook.pas", "CodeLen.pas", and "CodeMem.pas" to the new
  version to support Delphi 2006.

2005-10-23: Version 1.2
- Modified to use the new version of "GenCodeHook.pas" along with the
  companion units.

2005-09-16: Version 1.1a
- Changed the new function "SendFileToPrinter" to use the OpenPrinter ->
  StartDocPrinter -> StartPagePrinter -> WritePrinter -> EndPagePrinter ->
  EndDocPrinter API instead of sending the file directly to the device.

2005-09-15: Version 1.1
- Added the function "SendFileToPrinter" for sending the captured output
  to the printer currently selected in Delphi's "Printer" object.

2005-09-12: Version 1.0
- Initial version
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