SizeGrip, Version 1.2a (alt)

Hinweis: dies ist nicht die neueste Version!

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Datei: CHANGES.txt

2006-01-01: Version 1.2a
- Verified to work with Delphi 2006 - no changes.

2005-11-19: Version 1.2
- Modified the sample to also support SizeGripHWND (by conditional define).
- Added new module SizeGripHWND.pas for nonVCL applications.
- Internal: Changed capturing WM_PAINT to just reacting to the `pure´
  version with WPARAM=0. Makes live much easier BUT does not paint grip
  into bitmaps.

2005-09-24: Version 1.1
- Merged TSizeGrip and TSizeGripXP to one component
- Replaced "ClassicStyle" by new property "Style" to be more flexible with
  future extensions
- Added new property "Enabled"
- Added new property "Themed" for TSizeGripThemed
- Changed initialization of "TargetControl" with owner
- Internal: Changed from capturing WM_ERASEBKGND to WM_PAINT, because it
  did not work for TPanel (although it worked for TCustomForm).
- Internal: added "AttachControl" and "DetachControl", made "NewWndProc"
  virtual and slightly modified "TSizeGripThemed.GetGripRect"

2005-09-22: Version 1.0b
- Added property "ClassicStyle" for TSizeGripXP
- TSizeGripThemed is now a descendant of TSizeGripXP
- Replaced constant "SP_GRIPPER" by 3 - should now work with Mike Lischke's
  UxTheme.pas (

2005-09-22: Version 1.0a
- Added checks for TargetControl.HandleAllocated
- Changed order of "inherited" in TSizeGripThemed
- Rearranged for the new function CheckTheme

2005-09-22: Version 1.0
- Initial version
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